
A connecting rod from a car broken in two.

broken car parts
tumbling out
reckless phrases
burning oil
a space in the garage
to invent new words


Categorized as Poems

Used Bottle

A discarded glass bottle in a mire alongside some reeds.
Used Bottle

1) The glass bottle lands,
2) Spills contents.
3) Reeds bend to soothe.
4) Mire refills.
5) The bottle finds home,
6) Forgets its use.


Categorized as Poems

speck of 5

A very tiny piece of cardboard with the number five printed on it.
speck of 5

a printed number 5, black on brown
a speck of cardboard
a discovery on my fingertip
a wish like an eyelash
a thought worth 5 more


Categorized as Poems

a familiar sound

A tiny painted wooden bird displayed at the bottom of a basket.
a familiar sound

a noisy bird
mouth agape
sounding alarm for
nothing in particular
a morning like any other
the familiar guarding my day


Categorized as Poems

handle remains

A ceramic mug handle that has broken off a cup.
handle remains

ceramic cup in pieces
a worthless handle
smooth white curve
polished bone
a broken rib
cherished remains


Categorized as Poems

Junior Firefighter

A used sticker that says junior firefighter discarded on the ground.
Junior Firefighter

1. Put on helmet
2. Jump over fire
3. Land on pavement
4. Kick dead grass in boredom

Categorized as Poems


Pink splatter on the sidewalk.

pink splatter on the sidewalk
paint or Pepto
art or vomit
a disturbing thought of
somebody who strayed too far


Categorized as Poems